Lesson 1

My daughter requested the Latin typed up so she could practise reading without the English.

Lesson 1.

Deus creávit caelum et terram intra sex dies. Primo die fecit lucem. Secundo die fecit firmamentum, quod vocavit caelum. Tertio die coegit aquas in unum locum, et eduxit e terra plantas et árbores. Quarto die fecit solem, et lunam, et stellas. Quinto die fecit aves quae vólitant in áere, et pisces qui natant in aquis. Sexto die fecit omnia animantia, postrémo, hóminem; et quiévit die séptimo.

The Real Vulgate

This lesson reminded me that I have in the past typed up the first chapter of Genesis with accent marks for easier reading. I read through this with my daughter and we picked up bits and pieces.


I’ve put together this quick quiz using Lumi

[ Open the above in its own tab ]

And Quizlet seems to be handy again
