
For today I decided to look at Luke 1:26-38 - Saint Luke’s account of the Annunciation.
Firstly, I made the above snippet from a project to set the Gospels in Latin and English.
Secondly, I made a Quiz on Quizizz.
Thirdly, it occurred to me that there are a whole bunch of antiphons covering many of these quotes.
Thus, I have again fallen into the trap of last minute preparations for the weekly Zoom.
These antiphons feature in the Little Office of Our Lady for Advent. They come from the Vespers Antiphons for the feast of the Annunciation. You can see some tiny variation in the words. The Latin Bible was a bit different when these Antiphons were written - possibly from before St Jerome.
Missus est Gabriel Angelus
THe Angel Gabriel was sent to the Virgin Mary, who was espoused to Joseph.
Ave Maria
Hopefully everyone knows this one
Ne Timeas Maria
Fear not Mary! You have found grace with God. Behold, you shall conceive and bear a son. Alleluia!
Dabit ei (illi) Dominus (Deus)
The Lord will give him the seat/throne of David his father and he will reign forever.
There is a slightly different version for the feast of Christ the King, a much more recent feast, so the words match our current Vulgate better.
Notice how much of the tune is the same.
Ecce ancilla Domini
You know this one from the Angelus
Behold the handmaid of the Lord, be it done unto me according to thy word.