I had a look at an old archive CD from 2011 and found this PDF of Jesu Dulcis Memoria.
There’s the chant in square notes and modern notation. There are parallel presentations of the three Office Hymns. Then there are settings of the English versions to three different tunes.
- Jesu Dulcis Memoria to the adapted chant tune.
- O Jesus, King most wonderful, to a tune called Mendip, complete with chord letters suitable for playing on guitar (D, A, G, Em)
- O Jesus, Thou the beauty art, to a carol called, This Endris Night, also with guitar chords.
Then there’s the famous Palestrina 3 part motet of Jesu Rex Admirabilis.
I don’t remember if I ever published this little leaflet, or showed it to anyone. It’s dated 28th August 2009 and stamped with my family website, www.brandt.id.au but I can’t see any sign of it on the Brandt Lab. That website has weathered many rewrites in the intervening 15 years. The most probable history is that it was a labour of love that lived on my hard drive and only now might see the light of day.
I hope you enjoy this glimpse into my preoccupations of 15 years ago. Here you can see that some trad-leaning Gregorian chant enthusiasts also appreciate strumming a guitar from time to time. But not at Mass.