Lectio Prima

De tertia persona in numero singulari in tempore perfecto
De casu nominativo et de casu obiectivo in numero singulari

The second part of the reading was about Christopher Columbus discovering America.

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Now Let’s Think

Here is an English sentence: Marcus saw the lamb (Marcus vidit agnum). There are three important words in it: Marcus is the subject; it is in the nominative case. The verb is saw. The object is lamb, therefore, it is in the objective case. Notice that the Latin verbs above all end in -it. Notice that the word lamb in English, comes after the verb. Lamb is the object. In Latin we do not depend on the order of words to show the object—we depend on the ending. Notice that many words above end in -m. That is the ending for the object. Some have -am : some have -um : some have -em. Notice the various endings for the nominative case. We need not be concerned about them today. After words like ad, cum, and in, we have still other endings. Do not bother about them today. We can understand the story without knowing about them.

Notice also that Marcus is just one person. So we say the subject is nominative singular. There is also only one lamb in school. That is singular too. More than one would be plural. More than one lamb would not only be plural. It would be too much. So we could say that the object in our sentence, agnum, is objective singular. And we could say that the subject in our sentence, Marcus, is nominative singular. There is no Latin word for the, no word for a or an. Just supply these in English when you need them.

Columbus and Lamb Stew

ColĂșmbus non fuit puĂ©lla. MarĂ­a fuit puĂ©lla. ColĂșmbus non fuit planus. Fuit ColĂșmbus rotĂșndus? ColĂșmbus non hĂĄbuit pecĂșniam. IsabĂ©lla hĂĄbuit pecĂșniam. IsabĂ©lla non hĂĄbuit parvum agnum. IsabĂ©lla hĂĄbuit pecĂșniam. ColĂșmbus non hĂĄbuit parvum agnum. MarĂ­a hĂĄbuit parvum agnum. MarĂ­a non dedit pecĂșniam. IsabĂ©lla dedit pecĂșniam. Sed MarĂ­a non dedit parvum agnum. IsabĂ©lla non venit in scholam. ColĂșmbus non venit in scholam. ColĂșmbus venit in AmĂ©ricam. ColĂșmbus non venit in AmĂ©ricam cum agno. ColĂșmbus non venit in AmĂ©ricam cum IsabĂ©lla. IsabĂ©lla non venit in AmĂ©ricam cum ColĂșmbo. IsabĂ©lla non venit in navem. Agnus albus non venit in navem. MarĂ­a non venit in navem. Agnus albus non fuit in India. ColĂșmbus non fuit in India. India non est agnus. India non est navis. ColĂșmbus fuit albus. Sed India non fuit alba. Mundus fuit rotĂșndus. Sed India non fuit alba. Mundus fuit rotĂșndus. Sed India non fuit rotĂșnda.

As well as the textbook, there are Tape Scripts for each lesson. These are meant to be listened to individually. Each sentence asks the student for a response. In this lesson, each sentence asks first for the Subject then the Object of each sentence. These could be done with videos, or fill in the blanks style questions.

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Have you completed this lesson?

  • Listened to the readings
  • Learned the vocabulary
  • Read the “Now Let’s Think”
  • Read the “Lamb Stew” – Fr Most recommends reading it over six times to help you start thinking in Latin.
  • Done the Tape Script Puzzles