Exercise 6

Word List

  1. Uni Domino sit gloria
  2. Trino Domino sit gloria
  3. qui donet vitam nobis
  4. parce nobis
  5. antiquum documentum cedat novo ritui
  6. fides praestet supplementum defectui sensuum
  7. laus sit Genitori Genitoque
  8. compar laudatio sit Procedenti ab Utroque
  9. praestitisti eis panem de coelo
  10. qui reliquisti nobis memoriam
  11. gloria Patri et Filio et sancto Spiritui
Word-for-word translation

1. Uni Domino to the One Lord sit gloria, be glory. 1. Trino Domino to the Trine Lord sit gloria, be glory. 1. qui donet and may he give vitam nobis, life to us. 1. parce spare nobis us, miserere have mercy nobis on us. 1. antiquum documentum cedat novo ritui, let the ancient ordinance give place to the new rite. 1. fides praestet supplementum defectui sensuum, let faith offer a supply for the deficiency of the senses. 1. laus sit Genitori Genitoque, praise be to the Father and to the Son. 1. compar laudatio sit Procedenti ab Utroque, equal laudation be to Him who proceedeth from Both. 1. praestitisti eis panem de coelo, thou gavest to them bread from heaven. 1. qui reliquisti nobis memoriam, who hast left to us a memorial. 1. gloria Patri et Filio et sancto Spiritui, glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost. 1. 

Last one!

